The Benefits of Vegan Vitamins: Why They're Better for You

Plant-based supplements come with naturally derived ingredients making them easier for the body to absorb and assimilate. Both vegans and omnivores should be aware of potential nutrient deficiencies and vegans should pay special attention to their diets to ensure t

The Benefits of Vegan Vitamins: Why They're Better for You

Plant-based supplements come with naturally derived ingredients, making them easier for the body to absorb and assimilate. Both vegans and omnivores should be aware of potential nutrient deficiencies, and vegans should pay special attention to their diets to ensure they are getting enough of the essential vitamins and minerals. Eating plenty of vegetables, whole grains, beans, fruits, and nuts or seeds is a great way to get the nutrients you need. However, some vegans may still not get enough of certain key nutrients, such as vitamin B12, vitamin D, calcium, iodine, protein, and zinc.

Drinking vegan milk and eating tofu regularly can help ensure adequate calcium intake. Kale is also an excellent source of calcium and other important nutrients. Beans vary in terms of the amount of calcium they contain, with soy and white beans containing the most. If you don't consume enough vegan milk, beans, vegetables, or tofu to meet the recommended daily dose of 1,000 milligrams per day in the U.

S., a supplement may be necessary. When looking for a calcium supplement, it's important to make sure it is vegan-friendly. Some calcium supplements are made from oyster shells (though the vegan status of these supplements is debatable). Additionally, many calcium supplements contain vitamin D derived from lanolin or come in gelatin capsules or tablets with non-vegan coatings. Deva's vegan calcium with magnesium is a great option for vegans looking for a supplement that contains both calcium and vitamin D.

Each tablet contains approximately one-third of the recommended daily dose of calcium. Multivitamins are typically 100 percent of the recommended daily dose of B12. However, many people don't absorb sufficient amounts from a single daily tablet containing 100 percent of the recommended daily dose in the U. S. UU. Avoid buying a multivitamin that contains iron unless your doctor recommends it based on a blood test.

Iron is abundant in several vegan foods such as green leafy vegetables, seaweed, and some types of beans. Deva's vegan chelated iron is an affordable vegan iron supplement on the market. Vitamin C can significantly increase iron absorption when taken together with an iron supplement or when eaten together with an iron-rich food. Pregnant women should pay special attention to calcium and DHA intake in addition to what a multivitamin can provide. Deva's prenatal multivitamin is specifically formulated to meet the needs of pregnant women. Vegan multivitamins are highly effective at providing essential nutrients that are deficient in plant ingredients.

Providing these nutrients in a stable form improves absorption and metabolism and prevents mineral and vitamin deficiency. Two of the most important vitamins that vegans should consume are B12 and iron. Vitamin B12 helps promote energy and reduce fatigue while keeping the body's blood cells healthy. Protein is incredibly important but vegans don't always get the right amount through their diet and can turn to vegan protein powder for extra support. It's important to carefully evaluate your diet to determine what requires supplements and review existing multivitamins before including them in your diet.

Without enough vitamin B12 it's not uncommon to experience tiredness, irritability, bad moods, and even cognitive changes. Using multivitamin supplements is the ideal way to inject sufficient amounts of all the essential minerals and vitamins into your vegan diet.

Elise Ledwig
Elise Ledwig

Professional tv expert. Freelance zombie guru. Proud gamer. Proud bacon fanatic. Proud pop culture practitioner.

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