Which Vitamin Companies Can You Trust? A Comprehensive Guide

When it comes to finding trustworthy vitamin companies, it's important to do your research and find out which ones are reputable and offer quality products. Learn more about certifications, third-party testing, ingredient labels, COAs, and subscription services.

Which Vitamin Companies Can You Trust? A Comprehensive Guide

When it comes to finding the best vitamin companies, it can be difficult to know which ones you can trust. With so many brands on the market, it's important to do your research and find out which ones are reputable and offer quality products. Thorne Supplements is one of the best brands of vitamins, adhering to strict manufacturing processes and producing 30 sports products with NSF certification. Life Extension is another top vitamin company that has been around since 1980, and Nature Made is the number one brand recommended by pharmacists.

For fish oil supplements, Nordic Naturals follows the guidelines established by the Nordic European Pharmacopoeia, the Council for Responsible Nutrition, and the World Organization for EPA and DHA Omega-3.When it comes to quality testing standards, there is no official standard in the United States. However, third-party groups test supplements to make sure they contain what's on the label and aren't contaminated. If you buy supplements at a store, don't expect much help from the pharmacist or other staff members. CVS has completed an initiative to ensure that all the supplements it sells have been tested by third parties.

Ritual is a company that specializes in high-quality multivitamins without artificial colors, flavors or fillers. Kirkland Signature is a Costco Wholesale brand that sells several USP certified vitamins and minerals. Standard Process sells a variety of vitamins and dietary supplements, including a range of gluten-free products for people with non-celiac gluten sensitivity and people with celiac disease. Nordic Naturals produces a variety of vitamins and minerals, but they are best known for their high-quality omega-3 supplements.

Garden of Life offers more than 150 vegan supplements, including plant-based probiotics, vitamins, minerals, herbs and protein powders. When looking for quality vitamins, look for products that have been tested or certified by a third party and buy from brands that are transparent about how their products are obtained and manufactured. Check the ingredient label for products that don't contain fillers, additives or artificial ingredients. Vitamins may also have a Certificate of Analysis (COA), which states that a product has undergone safety and quality tests.

Vitamin subscription services can also help you keep track of what to take and when. Finding trustworthy vitamin companies can be difficult but with some research you can find reputable brands that offer quality products. Look for brands that offer multivitamins that fit your needs and opt for products that use high-quality ingredients and are rigorously tested by an independent laboratory. Consider factors such as certifications, third-party testing, ingredient labels, COAs, and subscription services when selecting a vitamin company you can trust.

Doing your research will help you make an informed decision about which vitamin companies are right for you.

Elise Ledwig
Elise Ledwig

Professional tv expert. Freelance zombie guru. Proud gamer. Proud bacon fanatic. Proud pop culture practitioner.

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